props to maura for this diversion ^_^ - this was actually posted on Feb 23rd, but I can't figure out how to change the date.
Instructions: Use the picture you like best from the first (no clicking around for 44 pages) page of the search results on Google Image.1. The city and province where you grew up, no quotation marks.

2. Current or former workplace.

3. Your name, first and last, no quotes ( this was posted on sally's website and has been long forgotten. Yes, I drew it. Yes, I loved Nick Carter.)

4. Your grandmother's name.

5. Your favourite food

6. Your favourite drink

7. Your favourite smell - I don't get it either.

8. Your favourite song

I think the game here is actually figuring out what I put in for my search! Thanks Maura.
Hee! I read something like this on Joanne's blog a while back, and I went and found all the pictures (without the first page rule), but I've never been able to get them to co-operate when I post them. I've gotten better since, though, so maybe I'll try again.
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